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Tuning in to your Inner Health

We all know what it’s like to feel off par for a few days .. maybe longer. But what if it was possible to test the ‘frequency’ of your body to see what’s running at a normal frequency and what isn’t. And then what if there were a way to ‘retune’ it. Read on to find out how the NES System can help you do just that.

If you remember back to those dreaded science lessons in school, you may recall that everything (matter) is made of molecules, and molecules vibrate at set frequencies. We can feel vibration from natural elements like a crack of thunder, a little earthquake when on holiday in Greece, the rumble of a train passing. Our bodies vibrate as well and there has been research to plot the different vibration measurements of different organs, for example your heart. Those vibrations create waves – think of throwing a pebble into a pond. First you hear the sound as the pebble hits the water (a sound wave) and then you see the waves ripple through the water as the energy generated by the weight of the pebble hitting the water is transferred into molecular energy in the water that makes the wave ripple outwards. Everything in your body – the natural vibrations of the organs, the electrical potential of the fluids, your thoughts and emotions, these all create a natural ‘body-field’ which has wave potential.

So what use is that? Well if you know what a good vibration wave should be like for a particular organ or system you can program a computer to send that wave to the bodyfield and see what vibration it gets back. If the out wave from the computer, and the in wave from your bodyfield match, then it’s like the radio being in tune. Everything is working at its best potential. But what if they don’t match – maybe the out wave from the computer is met by an in wave that is too excited – like that sudden screech of noise you can get when tuning a radio sometimes. Maybe that could indicate too much energy and inflammation in one place. And how about that endless turning of the tuning knob that only gives a low white noise crackly sound .. we could maybe draw a similarity with an out wave from the computer being met by a very weak and out of tune signal coming back … possibly indicating some chronic low energy state in that organ or system.

If you are still with me so far then that was the hard bit ... read on for how the NES system can help. NES has computer software that can send out those testing waves that are built as ‘good’ would look like and that can then measure the return wave from your own personal body-field. Results are compared and shown on scan pictures which are easy to look at to see what’s looking like a good ‘in-tune’ match (white or green) and what isn’t (red or orange). The technology then has two ways to interact back with the body-field and give it back the right information it needs to get it vibrating at the right frequency. The ‘information’ can be given via liquid remedies which are taken as drops in water or through a handheld device which is programmed with the information waves which can be held near the body to help it tune back in to a healthy frequency.

Things all get even more clever than that as the system has been tuned using over 30 years of research to also be able to recognise distortions in emotions which can have a big effect on how you are feeling. Sometimes you may know that something has upset you and just seeing it on a scan and being able to talk about it can help you feel better with dealing with something. Sometimes it may be more subtle than that and you can’t quite put your finger on why you aren’t feeling right. Either way different informational drops, or frequencies on the handheld MiHealth device, can help rebalance those waves just the same as with a physical system. The ability to understand and influence thoughts, feeling and emotions also provides a fantastic framework for supporting Mindfulness practices and there is a whole programme available with course books and videos if you are keen to develop in this area.

So, whether you are feeling great and just want a small retune or are checking yourself in for some major rebuild work, having a NES scan can be an invaluable tool to add to your practice as you take on other aspects to improve your health such as exercise, nurturing food, relaxation and supplements (where indicated). Take a look at the report screens HERE to get an idea of what you will see and why not contact us to ‘tune in’ to your Inner Health. What will your body-field scan show for you?

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