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Metabolic Balance

A natural weight management programme offering fast results and long term success

Participants receive an individualized personal nutrition plan based on 35 laboratory values from a simple blood test. These values establish the correct parameters for proper metabolic and hormonal function for your unique biochemistry. The nutritional plan re-establishes your natural nightime fat burning process (lipolysis) and kick starts you metabolism again. So while it may sound too good to be true, you sleep your weight off!

The programme uses natural foods easily found in your supermarket or health store which you combine to make simple, nutritious, meals.



4 Simple-Steps:


  1. Make an appointment, letting me know its Metabolic Balance you are interested in.  I will arrange a free 10 minute call with you to talk you through the programme so you are completely sure its right for you before committing to the fully-inclusive programme cost.

  2. Have a full consultation during which time we will discuss your personal needs and targets (you complete an online health questionnaire before coming along for the consultation)

  3. You have a blood test which is analysed specifically by the Lab for the health markers that Metabolic Balance uses to monitor health parameters.  The results are sent direct to your practitioner (these can be shared with your GP if anything comes back from the Lab which is outside of the expected ranges)

  4. Receive your Individual Nutrition Plan (generated from your personal blood chemistry results).  This is walked through with you personally as you receive it, and then in 5 followup sessions via phone, Skype or Facetime.  (A total of 3 face-to-face and 3 remote sessions)

Visit  to learn more and come back to book!

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